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9th Grade Curriculum

Algebra - Ms. Kelsey Siegel - Email

This is a one year Integrated Algebra course that prepares students to take the Integrated Algebra Common Core exam at the end of the year. Students will study algebraic techniques and apply those techniques to problem solving; second degree equations, graphing linear and quadratic equations, beginning trigonometry concepts, and statistics.

Earth Science - Ms. Gina Policastro - Email

In Earth Science, the focus is on developing and using models, planning and carrying investigations, using mathematical and computational thinking as well as constructing explanations and designing solutions for the disciplinary core ideas covered. The goal is to provide students with background and curiosity to investigate important issues in the world around us related to Geology, Meteorology, Climate, Oceanography and Astronomy.

English Literature - Ms. Laura Shimkus - Email

The 9th Grade Literacy course is designed to prepare students for success in English by enhancing fundamental literacy skills. Students will be exposed to high-interest literary and informational texts to improve their reading levels and motivation to read. Students will gain the skills and strategies necessary to comprehend and respond to a wide range of rigorous texts including a serious of current New York Times UpFront magazine articles and S.E. Hinton™'s classic novel, The Outsiders.


Global History - Mr. Ryan Mayer - Email

This is a year long course, which covers the first part in a two-part course designed to help give students the tools to be successful in passing the NYS Regents exam. In this course students complete homework, classwork, projects, quizzes and exams. These components are made up of the five different units of study we will be covering. The four units are as follows; Unit 1 : Geography and Life Connection, Unit 2: The Universal Traits of Civilization, Unit 3: Golden Ages, Unit 4: Global Interactions- Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter and Unit 5: Belief Systems


Physical Education:

Mr. Jeff Clooney - Email

Mr. Frank Murray - Email

Our Physical Education curriculum consists of many team sports including volleyball, soccer, and badminton. Additionally students learn how to improve their overall health by completing personalized fitness plans. 


Art Foundations - Ms. Brianna Racoosin - Email

The study of art is more than just the creation of work; it is about understanding why we create and why others before us created. It is my goal to teach students about creative exploration, execution and reflection, to open the doors to their imagination, to encourage them to take risks, to take pride in their accomplishments and respect the individuality of others. In this introductory class we will explore the elements of art through the use of various media including drawing, painting, collage & 3D mediums. We will explore color theory, the principles of art and the elements of design. My goal for the end of this course is that students will have the knowledge and skills to make, talk and write comfortably about art.

Special Education Teachers:

Mr. Sammy Jimenez (Math and Science) - Email
Mr. Akantunde Henderson-Amare (English and History) - Email


Speech Therapist - Ms. Carly Grisar - Email

9th Grade Advisory

Quarter 1: Intro to The Self 

Essential Questions: How can I examine the choices I make in order to determine my character?
How are the choices I make a reflection of my character and values?
What does individuality mean?
How do I maintain my individuality?
How can we combat discrimination?
How can I use my journey line to reflect on how I have grown?

Quarter 2: Introduction to College and Careers 

Essential Question: What 21st Century skills do you need to prepare for college and career choices in today's Global economy.

Quarter 3: Participation in a Multi-Cultural Society

Essential Question: How do we allow prejudice and discrimination to control our lives?
What types of prejudice and discrimination exist and how do we encounter them daily? What can we do to combat these forms of prejudice and discrimination? If I don’t say anything or act how do I allow prejudice and discrimination to continue?

Quarter 4: Conflict Resolution: Addressing our Own Thoughts and Actions

Essential Question: What is a community? Why do humans need community? Why must we face conflict? How do humans approach conflict?

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